Dennis' Pamplona Links - Dennis Iruñeko Hiperestekak - Hipervínculos Pamplona de Dennis

Chasing Red Screener, FREE
Relive fiesta! Watch Dennis' 2012 documentary, free until July 31st.
Password: PamplonaBulls02
After that, rent / purchase from Vimeo at: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/chasingred
Starting in October it will be a ton of your favorite streaming platforms, due to a new distribution deal.
If you like it, please show gratitude by leaving a reviews at:
Foto Alberto
One photo shop in town, for photos of the run. Photos are available to purchase online as well.
Shop Information in Pamplona:
Foto Mena
Extensive Number of Photos from the encierro (bull run) for purchase online. They often have more than Foto Alberto.
Diario de Navarra Sanfermines
Portal for some videos and photos of each run.
RTVE National Broadcaster
Much like Diario de Navarra, these is access to videos and top photos from each day.
Noticias de Navarra Sanfermin 2023 Photo Gallery
Another source of some online photos from the fiesta (best on tablet or laptop)